Carbon emissions, pollution and deforestation have to be stopped

Due to the damage caused by humans to nature, the pressure on the earth's climate is increasing continuously, and this is the reason why the number of cyclones in the world is increasing continuously. According to the Indian Meteorological Department, Pune, there has been an 11 percent increase in the number of cyclonic storms in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal in the last decade, while there has been a 32 percent increase in cyclones between 2014 and 2019. According to a report titled "Assessment of Climate Change over the Indian Region" by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, if major steps are not taken to stop climate change, then the increase in heat waves will be seen by three to four times. And the sea level can rise up to 30 cm. Ironically, man himself is moving towards his own end. If we want to avoid this, then it is very important to control carbon emissions and pollution and stop deforestation to reduce cyclonic storms and avoid the destruction caused by them.


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